West Sussex County Council (WSCC) is proposing a multi-million-pound, retail-led, regeneration as part of the Broadbridge Heath Quadrant in Horsham.
The proposals will bring an under-utilised brownfield site – the Broadbridge Heath Depot – back into use, and deliver dynamic retail uses, with a selection of new and exciting brands – including a discount food retailer. Please review the information included on this website, including the downloadable materials, before leaving your feedback using the comment form below.

An opportunity for growth
The development site, currently known as the Broadbridge Heath Depot is owned, and operated, by West Sussex County Council.
It was identified as surplus to requirements in 2018 and is identified in the current Horsham District Council Local Plan and the draft Local Plan as a strategic opportunity for new retail development.
The development plan policy objective for the site’s allocation is to reinforce the Broadbridge Heath Quadrant’s role as a successful out of town retail location. The proposals will bring an under-utilised brownfield site back into use.

Retail-led regeneration
The proposals will involve closing the existing depot, which has been identified as surplus to requirements. As a large, brownfield site, it currently provides little utility for the community and does not maximise the site’s economic value.
Instead, there is an opportunity to deliver a retail-led regeneration. This will include four units, in a mix of sizes, and will include two major retail anchors.
The immediate area is already an established retail destination including Broadbridge Retail Park and Tesco Extra, so the application site is well positioned to accommodate additional growth, and complement existing uses, with direct access to the A24 and strategic road network.

Highways and access
The site has excellent access to the road network – including the strategic road network via the nearby A24 junction.
Given its current use as a highways depot, it is well designed and located to accommodate traffic flows and our studies have shown that potential additional traffic can be accommodated on the local network.
Integration with local public transport will also be prioritised and 230 car parking spaces will be provided.

Jobs and economic growth
The proposed development will create 137 new jobs directly, as well as a significant and long-term return on investment for West Sussex County Council. This will help pay for, and support, other council priorities and services.
The two intended retail anchors are not currently trading in Horsham Town Centre. Notably, the intended DIY and garden store retailer will be a new brand for Horsham District.
The proposed discount foodstore will help to ensure that residents have better access to affordable groceries and household goods which will support local families and help their household budgets stretch further.
The proposals will also help attract additional visitors, supporting the ‘local pound’, and having a positive impact on other businesses within the community.

Your feedback
Before a planning application is finalised and submitted, we would like to share the proposals with the community, so residents can find out more and leave feedback if they wish.
We are also holding a public information event to showcase the proposals. This is taking place on the following date and time:
The Bridge Leisure Centre, Broadbridge Heath, 7th March, 4-7pm
Email: info@broadbridgeretailpark.co.uk
Phone: 0800 368 1823